NCMS Works to Override Perdue’s Veto of Med Mal Reform

When Governor Perdue vetoed Senate Bill 33 – Medical Liability Reforms on June 24, the NCMS immediately began executing plans to override the veto. “The Governor does not have the final word on this issue,” said Robert Seligson, Executive Vice President, CEO of the NCMS. The General Assembly is returning to Raleigh later this month, at which time they have the opportunity to override Perdue’s veto.

The NCMS is scheduling town hall meetings across the state to activate physicians at the grassroots level, and working with individual legislators in their districts to build support for an override vote. We are asking physicians to take an active role in this effort:

  1. Attend the town hall meeting close to you.
  2. Ask your legislators to support an override of this veto.
  3. Watch for further communications from the NCMS, your specialty society, and your local hospital.

If you have feedback or information from your local legislator, please contact [email protected].


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  • Miriam Schwarz

    To Physicians in WNC–
    NCMS and WCMS are holding a legislative town hall meeting in Asheville at MAHEC’s Thomas Bacon Auditorium on July 12 at 6pm. The focus of the meeting will be to discuss strategies to override Perdue’s veto of med mal reform. Please contact Donna Wiedrich to RSVP. [email protected], or 828-274-2267. We need you there! Thanks for your hard work on this bill. Miriam Schwarz, CEO, WCMS (Western Carolina Medical Society)

  • Miriam Schwarz

    Physicians in WNC–watch for further communications from WCMS (Western Carolina Medical Society). We will be working in coordination with NCMS to organize a town hall meeting in Asheville in the next 2 weeks.