The North Carolina Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (NCOGS) and the NC Section of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists held their annual meeting April 19-21 at the Grove Park Inn Resort and Spa in Asheville. Approximately 100 obstetricians and gynecologists attended and discussed a variety of topics pertinent to their specialty. To view a full listing of discussed topics, click here.
Dr. Paul Meis of Wake Forest University was awarded the Society’s Distinguished Service Award. See Dr. Meis’s CV here. Congratulations also to the two winners of the annual resident paper competition: First place – Jennifer Hong, MD (UNC) and Second place – Rongrong Fan, MD (MAHEC).
The following slate of officers was formally installed at the meeting:
2013-14 Officers
P. Lindsay Stevenson, MD (President)
Robert V. Higgins, MD (President-Elect)
Keith H. Nelson, MD (Secretary-Treasurer)
Haywood L. Brown, MD (Immediate Past President)
William B. Meyer, MD (Past President)
A. Kellett Letson, MD (Annual Meeting Program Chair)
Cecilia F. Grasinger, MD, and C. Richard Kirsch, MD
(Members At Large)
Brenda S. Peacock, MD (ACOG Section Chair)
W. Alan Skipper, CAE (Executive Director)
The NCOGS and NC Section of ACOG would like to thank not only the annual meeting faculty and attendees, but also the exhibitors and sponsors who helped make this event possible.
The next NCOGS Annual Meeting will be held in the Village of Pinehurst at The Pinehurst Resort, April 11-13, 2014. For more information, contact Nancy Lowe, [email protected], 919-833-3836 ext. 111.