The 2011 Annual Meeting of the North Carolina Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons runs September 16-18 at the Grove Park Inn Resort in Asheville. Register early to ensure availability. Click here to register online.
To download a registration brochure, visit For more information, contact the NCSEPS at 919-833-3836 or [email protected].
A limited number of rooms are still available. Please call the Grove Park Inn at 800-438-5800; reference Group Code 68626y. For assistance with available accommodations, contact Nancy Lowe at 919-833-3836 or [email protected].
This year’s meeting features 13.25 hours of CME and covers a wide range of topics, with featured speaker Lisa Arbisser, MD, making presentations on “Complication Avoidance in Complex Cartaract” and “Comprehensive Strategy for Unplanned Vitrectomy.”
Other scheduled presentations will cover topics such as oculoplastics, retina, pediatric ophthalmology, cornea, glaucoma, stem cell research applications to ophthalmology, Medico-Legal Guidelines and Malpractice, and informed consent.
JCAHPO is offering an ophthalmic tech program on September 16 and 17; visit for details.