The crew at CSC, which is overseeing the launch and performance of the new NC Tracks Medicaid Claims system, worked over the July 4th holiday to make sure the system was on track for the first checkwrite. Here is the latest on progress they have made addressing the problems users have identified thus far.
* They have added system capacity to help address some of the performance issues from earlier in the week.
* They are adding additional Call Center agents to help with the volume of calls.
* Some provider staff members may find that they are being routed to the recipient portal after logging in. That is likely due to a provider not fully completing the two-step process to gain access to the provider portal. The first step is to obtain an NCID. (If you already have one, you can use it.) The second step is to have the Office Administrator (or User Administrator) for your provider organization set up your NCID to have access to the Provider Portal using the User Administration button. There is a document on the public Provider Portal explaining the steps required for the Office Administrator (or User Administrator) to complete that process. In the meantime, if step one is completed, but your Office Administrator/User Administrator did not complete step two, you will be routed to the Recipient Portal. Without having user access setup in the Provider Portal, the system will assume you are a recipient.
* Several opportunities for getting trained in NCTracks are available, including daily real-time webinars and online computer-based training courses. For a complete list, go to the Provider Training page of the public Provider Portal .
* If you do not see your particular area of concern addressed online, please report it to the Call Center, either by phone at 1-800-688-6696, or via email at [email protected]. The technical teams are prioritizing issues and addressing them 24/7, but problems must be reported in order to be fixed.
Also, please don’t forget to log your problem on the North Carolina Medical Society’s Trouble Log. We are aggregating the complaints and working with CSC to address the most common concerns our members are experiencing. Watch the NCMS website routinely for updates and more information on the NC Tracks conversion.