Do you frequently contact the NCMS with questions or concerns? Or do you look to the Bulletin, the NCMS weekly newsletter, and the NCMS website for information? Those are just a few means of communications that are available to NCMS members. The NCMS also provides information to its members via Facebook and Twitter.
If you belong to either of those social networking sites, follow the Medical Society! Recently, business and organization Facebook accounts were defaulted to appear as timelines. This new format allows followers to access all of the information that has been published throughout the years. This is great for new members or even members who have not viewed the NCMS Facebook page.
Likewise, following the NCMS on Twitter is another way to get valuable information. Tweets are more instantaneous and allow followers to view similar information that is interesting to them. For example, if you are looking for information about electronic health records (EHRs), you can not only see what the Society is saying about this issue but you can view what others are saying as well.
The NCMS understands that many health care professionals are weary about using social media. However, this is a useful tool for those who do participate in social networking. You can interact with the Medical Society and your peers on a more regular basis as well as become aware of any news and events each day and in a more timely manner. For example, this week alone the Society updated its members about skin cancer screening at the North Carolina General Assembly and the Leadership College’s encounter with North Carolina legislators as it occurred; leadership positions available at the NCMS; and a reminder for a webinar about Medicaid’s EHR Incentive Program. We also try to provide information about other organizations and topics that may be of interest to you, including recent medical news.
Join us on Facebook and Twitter today! Did you know that the NCMS Foundation also has a Facebook page? Click here to follow them.