Nearly three weeks after the transition to ICD-10, no major glitches have been identified.
At the end of last week, NCTracks was reporting that a third or more of the claims submitted have been ICD-10 and most have adjudicated successfully. No major system issues have been found, although a few issues affecting limited groups of providers or services have been identified and have either been resolved or the resolution is underway. For details, see the Issues List posted under Quick Links on the Provider Portal home page and the Announcements posted on the same page.
For issues involving Medicare claims, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) offers these steps:
- Step 1: Find resources on our CMS ICD-10 website and Road to 10 online tool.
- Step 2: Contact your MAC for Medicare claims questions. Your MAC is your first line for Medicare claims help. MACs cannot respond to questions about Medicaid or commercial health plans. If you have a Medicaid claim question contact your state Medicaid agency. If you have a commercial or private health plan claim question, please contact your health plan directly. The new ICD-10 Resource Guide and Contact List gives MAC and Medicaid contact info organized by state.
- Step 3: Contact the ICD-10 Ombudsman for questions. The ICD-10 Ombudsman is an impartial advocate with a dedicated team of experts to answer your questions. Responses will typically be sent within 3 business days of receipt.
CMS maintains that help is available if you have problems with ICD-10.