Over the weekend of July 16-18, the NC Society of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery held its 2010 Annual Meeting. In addition to three half-day CME sessions, including featured speaker, Michael Parker, MD, from the Center for Sinus & Allergy Care in New York, the Society addressed legislative and political advocacy issues as well as the recent Blue Cross Blue Shield policy on sinus surgery. The Society also elected the following slate of officers for 2010-2011.
President–Catherine Rees, MD, Winston-Salem
President-Elect–Robert Taylor, MD, Durham
Vice President–Craig Buchman, MD, Chapel Hill
Secretary-Treasurer–Brian Gibson, MD, Charlotte
Merritt Seshul, MD, was recognized for his service as 2009-2010 NCSOHNS President and the annual Edgar C. Garrabrant award for outstanding resident presentation went to Scott Shadfar, MD, from UNC.