What Do the Final ACO Rules Mean for Providers?

In last week’s edition of the Bulletin, NCMS announced the CMS release of final rules regarding Accountable Care Organizations. This week we bring you a broad overview of the new rules, authored by Kim Licata of Poyner Spruill LLP.  The summary details CMS discussion of the rules during a recent Open Door Forum and lets physicians know what shared savings may mean for them. Read the summary here.

CMS will also be holding an in-person meeting to help physicians understand the goals of Accountable Care Organization (ACO) models. CMS will provide an overview of the Medicare Shared Savings Program Final Rule and new tools that will help physicians and other health care providers improve quality of care. The meeting will be held on Monday, November 21, 2011, 1:00-2:00 pm at the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Tom Harkin Global Communications Center, Atlanta, Georgia.

There will be a listen-only conference line available to those who cannot attend the meeting. Call (877) 267-1577 and enter meeting ID 4494 to listen to the meeting.

Additional helpful links regarding Accountable Care:

Questions for the November 21 meeting should be submitted by November 15, to Teresa Wilson, Health Insurance Specialist, at [email protected]. If time permits, there will also be a Q&A session at the end of the meeting.


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