In the October Medicaid Bulletin, the Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) announced that it has removed the December 31 deadline for physician assistant (PA) enrollment. However, the article still urges PAs to begin the enrollment process.
At this time, the North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS), the North Carolina Academy of Physician Assistants, and the North Carolina Medical Group Managers collectively urge all PAs and their medical practices to hold their Medicaid enrollment applications until DMA (1) completes rulemaking that establishes its authority to require direct enrollment and (2) fully explains all eventual ramifications that direct enrollment will have for these practitioners and their practices. Until those details are known and until DMA secures the proper authority to continue with this initiative, we feel that the enrollment process presents only risks and no benefits.
We continue to await the opportunity to engage with DMA in further discussions about direct enrollment of non-physician practitioners. Please ask any medical practice personnel who insist on continuing the application process to contact Kristin Freeman ([email protected]) at the NCMS Member Resource Center, or one of the other above-listed organizations, with any questions.
We will continue to provide updates on this issue as we receive them.
at 10:03 pm
Thanks for sharing this. I just forwarded this to the director of Physician Practices at our medical center. I just signed my application last week. I hope it has not gotten out yet.
at 2:35 pm
thank you telling me the application is on my office mangers desk (where it will stay till further notice)collectively we should be able to force DMA to clarify there position.
Chris Donovin, PA-C