The American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) have expressed “profound disappointment” in a letter the AMA sent to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on December 1, 2009 regarding HR 3590. The coalition said the letter did not fully comply with AMA policy and the recent directives of the AMA House of Delegates related to “Substitute Resolution 203: Health System Reform Legislation.” The organizations indicated they were astounded that the letter did not include any reference to medical liability reform. Read the AANS/CNS letter here.
Physician Coalition Disappointed with AMA Letter to Senate Majority Leader
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1 Comment
at 12:14 pm
I think this letter says it all.
I was a member of the AMA for the last 5 years and will not renew my membership for 2010. They show a complete lack of drive when it comes to pursuing what is in the best interest of the medical community. They are wishy-wash about getting things done and quite frankly, bend like a reed in the wind whenever they encounter opposition.
Save your money and do not renew your membership.