The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Computer Science Corporation (CSC) have developed a working draft for a new Remittance and Status Report for Medicaid claims. They are now seeking feedback from you and your medical practice personnel who are familiar with the Reports. Access the draft Report here. Please direct any comments or questions to Conor Brockett ([email protected]) by Friday, March 5, 2010.
The finalized version of the Remittance Report will be used when CSC takes over the state’s Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) in August 2011. The name of the new MMIS system is NCTracks. CSC already handles provider enrollment, verification, and credentialing for N.C. Medicaid.
DHHS cites the following features as improvements over the current Reports:
1) Distinct formats by provider type;
2) Inclusion of other types of payments such as health insurance premium payments, financial transactions, accounts receivable, management fees, and Health Check fees;
3) Multi-payer in nature by reporting for Medicaid, NC Health Choice, Division of Mental Health, Division of Public Health, and Office of Rural Health & Community Care services.