Physician Volunteers Sought for 2011 Health Hotline

Oak Island pediatrician Jugta Kahai, MD, is the first physician to volunteer for the 2011 WWAY TV Health Hotline, on Tuesday, January 25, 12:00 pm – 8:00 pm, at Independence Mall in Wilmington. The Hotline allows viewers to talk with physicians at no charge and generates hundreds of calls each year, requiring about 60 physicians to effectively handle the call volume. The event is open to all physicians and is co-sponsored by WWAY-TV, New Hanover-Pender County Medical Society (NHPCMS) and the NCMS.

To register or for more information, please contact:

Lyric Wohlgemuth, NCMS, [email protected], 800-722-1350.

Bonnie Brown, NHPCMS, [email protected] or 910-790-5800.

Online registration and information are available at; click the Meetings tab, then Doctors on Call.


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