Introduced by: Charles W. Henrichs, MD – Delegate, Henderson County Medical Society
Referred to: Reference Committee No. 1 – Timothy M. Beittel, MD, Chair
WHEREAS, synthetic marijuana is widely abused and considered a gateway drug and is marketed and sold to young children; and
WHEREAS, synthetic marijuana, was at one time legal and is now illegal; and
WHEREAS, synthetic marijuana is very difficult to characterize or test and the precise chemical compound of these products remains unknown; and
WHEREAS, the narrowly defined definition of synthetic marijuana has allowed a new form of “K-2” and a new form of synthetic marijuana to be created; and
WHEREAS, today the newly created synthetic marijuana is commonly found in most every city and is available to all ages by the trade names of “Spice, K-2 or Kush”; and
WHEREAS, this new form of synthetic marijuana has been implicated in at least one death; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the North Carolina Medical Society supports an immediate and oppressive tax on synthetic marijuana products loosely known as bath salts and incense and go by the common names of “Spice, K-2 and Kush,” among others, until such time that the state legislature can pass laws which better describe and either outlaws completely or severely limits the sale or consumption of these products. (policy)
Fiscal Note: No additional funding above current resources estimated. Current resources will be allocated based on the priorities of the Society and the NCMS budget.
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at 6:00 pm
Outlawing drugs, particularly marijuana, has not prevented them from permeating society. The fact that marijuana is illegal drives the market for synthetic forms. Americans clearly want access to intoxicating substances. Americans clearly accept that those substances, including legally acquired alcohol, have potentially serious risks. I submit that the fact that NCMS allows alcohol consumption at its functions is a de facto endorsement that the “benefits” of alcohol outweigh the risks. I suggest that this resolution be modified. It is appropriate that the medical society champion the development of state regulations regarding how intoxicating substances can be allowed to come to the legal market after proper scientific study. I suggest that if these new substnaces prove to be no more dangerous than alcohol, that access to them should be legal and regulated similarly to alcohol.
at 9:32 am
How can you tax something you can’t even identify? I appreciate the sentiment but I don’t support this resolution.
at 10:39 am
While I am in favor of opposing these drugs. Seeking legislation for a tax on them would take as much effort and time as it would to work with the legislature to outlaw them. We would be better to go on record as opposing their manufacture and sale.
at 12:23 pm
This resolution was submitted on behalf of Scott Donaldson MD, Henderson County, NC Medical Society member.