Introduced by: John R. Dykers, Jr., MD – Delegate, Chatham County Medical Society
Referred to: Reference Committee No. 1 – Timothy M. Beittel, MD, Chair
WHEREAS, the current delivery system for medical care is inefficient, unsatisfying, and chaotic for patients, physicians, other providers of care, and payers alike; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the North Carolina Medical Society will make every effort to effect The Medical Care Reinvention Act to restore the non-monetary rewards to the practice of medicine and protect the dollars for all the parties involved. We are all patients, and we will maintain the primacy of caring for the patient as we take care of the patient. (see Attachment – Medical Care Reinvention Act) (action)
Fiscal Note: Estimated additional budget impact: $100,000. Current resources will be allocated based on the priorities of the Society and the NCMS budget.
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at 9:16 am
We are all aware the current medical delivery system is unsustainable. It is providing what patients and their families demand. There have also been abuses on the provider side.
Capitation destroyed many primary care practices in the 1980’s. It would put most of us into the streets. Case in point: The NC State Health Plan had millions of dollars in actuarial advice with Hartman & Associates and Aon Consulting, as well as the Legislative Committee on Employee Hospital & Medical Benefits, an Executive Administrator, the General Assembly Fiscal Research Division and Blue Cross Blue Shield. They misjudged expenditures and required a taxpayer bail-out of $ 250 million. Who will bail us out?
The NC Medical Society must review the Performance Audit of the NC State Health Plan and oppose Resolution 21.