Rise in Syphilis Cases Prompts Public Health Alert

The NC Division of Public Health (NCDPH/DHHS) has issued a Public Health Alert about the increase in early syphilis statewide. According to the Alert, syphilis cases are steadily rising across the state; from January 1 through July 17, 2009, there were 477 new reported cases of syphilis, compared to 277 cases for the same period last year. Two hundred eighty-seven of the 477 new cases were diagnosed in the primary and secondary infectious stages of the disease. State health officials are urging physicians and other health care professionals to take a more proactive approach to diagnosing and treating syphilis in order to reverse current trends. The Alert, which includes management guidelines and reporting laws, is available at https://www.compassionatecarenc.org/non_members/Syphilis%20Alert%20July%202009.pdf. (pdf)


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