I don’t think the current health care bill saves money.
Massachusetts inacted a similar bill & now is having to bill companies to cover costs.
If this passes, access to care will be severly limited. Health care professionals won’t be likely to go to rural areas – there’s not as much money as there is in Wall Street.
You have to make sure people are attracted to family practice – that is what we need.
Dell needed lower cost healthcare to keep jobs in the US. They gave anything related to fixing a chronic condition for free. 20% enrolled. Dell wouldn’t accept that. They offered cash to employees. 80% enrolled. They ended up saving money per enrollee.
Healthcare is my focus, not bc of governmental and public attention. Because I realized it was unsustainable and somthing needed to be done. The timeframe was shorter than expected, and I think the quality has suffered bc of the rush.
We need a medical home for every person in America. Will be done w FPs, clinics, CVS clinics, nurses, etc. ERs are not the place to educate patients. It won’t make any difference.
Making it mandatory isn’t the answer; governors should be able to make that decision for their state.
We’re not ready now. Health Care Reform is vital