It’s the return of the NCMS Photo Contest! We want to continue the tradition of showing off the artistic talents of our members, and we invite you to submit your photos to the 2012 contest. This is your chance to show off your creative side and to put your photographic skills on display; the top 13 photos in the contest will be featured in the upcoming 2013 NCMS Member Calendar.
The rules:
- Submit up to two of your favorite landscape, animal, or abstract images by August 1, 2012;
- Portraits are generally discouraged, as photo permissions are hard to acquire;
- Photos may be in color or black-and-white;
- Please limit photo manipulation (i.e. Photoshop). The contest is based on photographic skills;
- Contest participants are limited to NCMS members only; the NCMS member must be the photographer of the image submitted.
NCMS staff members will pick the finalists whose work will be on display in the 2013 Member Calendar. The winning image, chosen by NCMS members, will grace the 2013 calendar cover. All contest participants will receive a NCMS gift pack for their submissions. The contest winner also will receive an Amazon Kindle courtesy of NCMS partner Theo Davis Printing.
Send your high-resolution images (at least 300 dpi) to [email protected] or mail a CD of your images or 8 x 10 prints to NCMS, PO Box 27167, Raleigh, NC 27611 Attn: Kristen Shipherd. The top 13 photographs will be decided by August 15, when voting opens to the public to determine the contest winner/calendar cover image.