Staff Rounds: Your NCMS At Work For You

Events/meetings involving NCMS staff working on your behalf this week.

 Date Event/Organization Staff
5/2 NC Hospital Association NCHEX Planning Meeting Franklin Walker
5/2 Lobbyist Leadership Meeting Chip Baggett
Amy Whited
Steve Keene
5/2-5 Legislative Sessions and Committees; Meetings with Legislators Chip Baggett
Amy Whited
5/3 Palmetto GBA Provider Workshops, Greenville Conor Brockett
5/3 Triangle Immunization Task Force Mike Edwards
5/4 Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Meeting, Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) Conor Brockett
5/5 Palmetto GBA Provider Workshops, Cary Conor Brocket
5/5 Conference Call with United HealthCare regarding Premium Designation Program Conor Brockett

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