Staff Rounds: Your NCMS At Work For You

Events/meetings involving NCMS staff working on your behalf this week. 

 Date Event/Organization Staff
5/30-6/2 Legislative Sessions, Committee Meetings and Meetings with Legislators Chip Baggett
Amy Whited
5/31 NC ObGyn Society Legislative Conference Call Alan Skipper
6/1 Legislative Committee Hearing on Midwifery Licensure/Homebirth Alan Skipper
Amy Whited
6/1 NC HIE Vendor Clinical Demos Melanie Phelps
6/1 AMA Conference Call with President Cecil Wilson, MD Alan Skipper
6/1 NCMS Accountable Care Task Force Conference Call Alan Skipper
Melanie Phelps
Steve Keene
Amy Whited
6/3 NCMS Blood Drive NCMS Staff Volunteers
6/3 NCHEX Business Meeting Melanie Phelps
Steve Keene
Franklin Walker
Shawn Scott

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