State to Phase-out of Funding for Vaccines

The Office of the State Health Director has published a memo regarding upcoming changes to the NC Immunization Program (NCIP). These changes will result in a planned phase out of State funding for vaccines beginning July 1, 2010.  NCIP will continue to provide free vaccines to providers for children eligible for the federal Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program.  After June 30, 2010, all vaccines for children who are not eligible for the VFC Program must be purchased by providers.
The currently proposed budget for SFY 2010-2011 includes one-time transition funding to ease the financial burden that this significant change in policy may cause.  Specific questions regarding how this change may affect your practice or to identify vaccine providers contact the Office of the State Health Director Immunization Branch at 1-877-873-6247.

Click here to read the memo from State Health Director Jeffrey Engel, MD.


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