Take Part in the Sixth Annual 'Get Fit NC' Road Race to Benefit Student Health

Join the North Carolina Medical Society Alliance for the 2013 Get Fit NC Road Race on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. in Wake Forest, NC.  This year’s event will include a 10K, a 5K, and 1-mile Kids’ Fun Run. The race is $30 for the 10K, $25 for the 5K and $10 for the Kids’ Run, if you register by November 25, 2013. For those who don’t register by November 25, you can register the day of the event for an additional fee.

The proceeds from the Get Fit NC Road Race will be dedicated to providing equipment for physical education programs in North Carolina public schools. These resources are needed to help all students actively improve health and establish healthy habits for a lifetime. So far, Get Fit NC has provided funding to schools in communities across the state reaching more than 8,500 North Carolina students.

We hope you will participate in this important effort by joining the NCMS Alliance at this year’s Get Fit NC race. Your participation will help put needed resources in North Carolina public schools, and encourage kids to be active and develop healthy habits to last a lifetime.

For more information about the race go to: http://www.ncmsalliance.org/home.html.


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