The Latest from the North Carolina Legislature

Here is a brief overview of what has been happening at the General Assembly so far this week. Remember to check the NCMS website daily for breaking news from the Legislature.

The Senate sent No NC Exchange/No Medicaid Expansion (SB4) to conference committee after failing to concur with changes the House made to the bill last week. Senate leaders said the bill needs technical changes that will be worked out in a conference committee.

Senator Tom Goolsby introduced SB106 Home Birth Freedom Act , a bill that would license lay midwives, also called certified professional midwives, to deliver babies without also being nurses, and also would create the N.C. Council of Certified Professional Midwives, which would be the licensing body.  He also introduced a second bill, SB107 Decriminalize Direct Entry Midwifery, that would de-criminalize their practice.

A similar bill to license lay midwives was supported by Goolsby last session, but stalled in the House.  

The NCMS opposes these bills on the grounds that they compromise patient safety.

A bill to ban indoor tanning by minors, the Youth Skin Cancer Prevention Act (H18), was heard before the House Subcommittee on Health and Human Services, Tuesday, but the committee delayed a vote on the bill.

The NCMS supports this bill due to the overwhelming scientific evidence that indoor tanning for those under age 18 increases the risk of melanoma.


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