Update on Development of HIE in North Carolina

The NC Healthcare Information and Communications Alliance (NCHICA) is providing a link to the RFP for Assistance in Development of the ARRA HITECH Statewide HIE (Health Information Exchange) in North Carolina. The state made the link public last week as it moves forward in planning for the development of an operation plan for statewide HIE capability as required by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).

The NC Health & Wellness Trust Fund (HWTFC) will be seeking the professional services of a consulting agency to assist the HWTFC in facilitating a multi-stakeholder collaborative planning process and to assist with the development of approved HIE strategic and operational plans.  HWTFC will be involved only as the fiscal agent for the contract and the ONC grant.

A new nonprofit corporation and its founding Board of Directors is expected to be announced in the near future. It will provide the oversight and governance for the ARRA HITECH HIE efforts and the investment of the $12.9 million that has been allocated to NC for this purpose. NCHICA Executive Director W. Holt Anderson says proposals are due by April 20, 2010.  Questions may be directed to Mr. Anderson or Andrew Weniger at 919-558-2198.

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