Due to recent revisions that were made to the 2010 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has extended the 2010 Annual Participation Enrollment Program end date from December 31, 2009, to January 31, 2010 – therefore, the enrollment period now runs from November 13, 2009, through January 31, 2010.
The effective date for any Participation status change during the extension, however, remains January 1, 2010; and will be in force for the entire year.
In NC, Cigna Government Services will accept and process any Participation elections or withdrawals made during the extended enrollment period that are received or post-marked on or before January 31, 2010.
Note: This is an extension of the annual participation enrollment period dates in CR 6637 (Transmittal 1832 — Calendar Year (CY) 2010 Participation Enrollment and Medicare Participating Physicians and Suppliers Directory (MEDPARD) Procedures), dated October 16, 2009.
The Participation Agreement (CMS-Form 460) is available on the CD-ROM that is sent out annually by Cigna Government Services during the Annual Participation Enrollment period. Cigna Government Services will also make the Participation Agreement available to you by placing it on their Website with Participation enrollment (and termination) instructions.