Interested in joining the NC Partnership for Compassionate Care?
The mission of the North Carolina Partnership for Compassionate Care (NCPCC) is to ensure that patients’ end-of-life care choices are openly discussed, documented, and honored by providing educational resources to the community and health care professionals. Broad-based membership is our most effective tool in reforming end-of-life care. Your membership will help us ensure we achieve our mission across the state.
Who may join NCPCC?
Membership is open to any organization, coalition, or individual that will support the mission of the North Carolina Partnership for Compassionate Care.
Membership benefits include:
- Listing as a supporting partner on our website (
- Connection to a statewide, multi-disciplinary effort to ensure access to quality end-of-life care
- Access to ideas, tools, resources, and trainings
- Timely updates regarding MOST (Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment) and other legislative updates regarding advance care planning in North Carolina
- NCPCC’s email newsletter
- Being part of a larger public policy voice to impact end-of-life issues
- Participation on committees and task forces to shape NCPCC’s initiatives
- Monthly regional coalition meetings and conference calls
What can the NCPCC do for your organization?
- Sharing of resources for consumers
- Sharing of resources for health care providers
- Trainings (MOST, advance care planning facilitator, and more)
- Networking with national, statewide, and regional organizations and coalitions
Feel free to contact us with any questions: [email protected].