Staff Rounds: Your NCMS at Work for You

Events/meetings involving NCMS staff working on your behalf this week.

 Date Event/Organization Staff
10/7-10 American Society of Medical Association Counsel Annual Meeting Melanie Phelps
Steve Keene
10/8-10 NC Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting Alan Skipper
Nancy Lowe
Candice Wright
Chip Baggett (made legislative briefing)
10/11 NC Health and Information Exchange Legal and Policy Workgroup Amy Whited
10/12 CPP Practice Visit Maggie Sauer
Franklin Walker
Amy Dunatov
10/12 Durham Regional Health Care Reform Summit Amy Whited
10/13 NCHEX demo Datalink at NC Hospital Association Melanie Phelps
10/13 NCHEX weekly conference call Melanie Phelps
10/13 Mental Health Legislative Oversight Committee Amy Whited
10/13 NC Institute of Medicine meeting on Health Benefit Exchanges Conor Brockett
10/13 State Health Coordinating Council Steve Keene
10/13-15 NC Industrial Commission Education Conference Conor Brockett
10/13 “Practice Drift” Meeting at NC Medical Board Amy Whited
Alan Skipper
Steve Keene
10/14 NC Institute of Medicine Health Reform Safety Net Workgroup Maggie Sauer
10/14 Medicare Carrier Advisory Committee Conor Brockett
10/14 NC Bio-Preparedness Collaboration (NCB-Prepared) Conference Call Melanie Phelps
10/14 NC Healthcare Information and Communications Alliance Franklin Walker
10/14 CON Panel, Campbell University Law School Steve Keene
Melanie Phelps
Chip Baggett
Amy Whited
10/16-18 American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting Alan Skipper

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