BCBSNC Discontinues Paper Remittances

In October Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (BCBSNC) began discontinuing the use of paper remittances, with all Blue-e enabled providers coming under the new system as of mid-November.  Notices/Explanations of Payment (NOPs/EOPs), paper Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) voided checks, and summary pages for all BCBSNC commercial business will be available for viewing on Blue-e.  Many practices had already opted to receive these statements and payments electronically.  However, practices that have not enabled EFT for their BCBSNC reimbursement will continue to receive their claims payments by mail without the accompanying paperwork.  CLICK HERE for more details about the new program, including a link for physicians who do not have Blue e access to sign up immediately.

For the time being, paper remittances will continue for the Federal Employee Program and BCBSNC Medicare supplement programs.  BCBSNC says the move is designed to meet its goal of becoming a greener company and streamlining administrative costs.


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