Affordable Care Act Marks Two Year Anniversary

Two years after the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), known as the “Affordable Care Act,” took effect, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a report summarizing some of the achievements of the health reform law. The political circumstances that accompanied passage of the ACA, together with its failure to address several issues of critical importance to doctors, have caused significant reluctance within the physician community to take advantage of the law’s beneficial provisions. NCMS has been working to ensure physicians can seize the opportunities created by the ACA, identify issues related to implementation, and correct the defects that have been identified.

To read more about the results of the law and implementation dates for 2012 and beyond, visit:

The NCMS continues to guide medical practices during this transformative time in healthcare. The NCMS is launching an initiative called “Toward Accountable Care,” to provide tools for physicians and other health care providers to successfully navigate and thrive in collaborative systems.

  • In addition to the Health System Reform Resource Center, members can review the frequently-asked-question (FAQ) section of the NCMS website for questions and answers concerning the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service’s (CMS) Medicare Shared Savings Program.
  • The NCMS has been active in discussions at the state level about a health benefits exchange.
  • The NCMS Employee Benefit Plan has worked to ensure it complies with the new law and has served as a resource to practices about insurance issues.

Visit the Toward Accountable Care area of the NCMS website for a collection of resources on the NCMS’ activity in helping practices comply with the Affordable Care Act. We will continue to report on developments of the law’s implementation in future issues of the Bulletin.


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