From Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina
This ICD-10 conversion readiness survey is being conducted to identify and evaluate opportunities to minimize possible disruptions in health care billing, reporting, and payment processes within North Carolina’s health-care industry.
The survey consists of just six questions related to your organizational readiness for ICD-10 compliance on October 1, 2015, for services and inpatient discharges occurring on and after that date. The responses from this survey will enable BCBSNC to collectively reach a state of readiness, as well as better prepare for risk mitigation where needed.
Response to the following questions will be used to help gain an understanding of ICD-10 preparedness with North Carolina, and to identify if there are any specialties of care that may be experiencing a slower transition due to code changes complexities. The purpose of this survey is to gain an understanding about statewide ICD-10 readiness and identify possible trends. Individual practice details are not being identified or recorded by this survey*. Thank you for your participation in this survey.
*Answers to the survey questions are anonymous but in order to be entered into the monthly drawing for a $25 gift card, please provide your contact information. Contact information will not be included in your survey response and will not be shared.