This week, the Department of Insurance officially approved a contract addendum filed by Blue Cross and Blue Shield North Carolina (BCBSNC). The addendum is primarily intended to align all BCBSNC contracts with NC physicians and practices with new state law. BCBSNC anticipates sending the addendum to contracting physicians and groups within the next few weeks. In the interim, BCBSNC has posted the following explanatory message on its Provider website and on Blue-e.
October 2009 Contract Addendum Update
In October 2009, BCBSNC sent an addendum, effective December 31, 2009 (the “October Addendum”), to in-network providers. The purpose of the October Addendum was to modify the terms of physician contracts in anticipation of new state law (SB 877 and HB 1297). Based on feedback from the provider community and the North Carolina Medical Society, BCBSNC has not enforced the October Addendum. Upon approval from the NCDOI, BCBSNC will mail another addendum (the “New Addendum”) to providers and will post a message on its website notifying providers that the New Addendum has been mailed. Until the New Addendum takes effect, BCBSNC will continue to waive its rights under and not enforce the provisions of the October Addendum.