The CDC has posted H1N1 Clinicians Questions and Answers covering a variety of questions physicians have asked concerning the H1N1 flu vaccine. Several physicians have contacted the NCMS asking for information on obtaining the vaccine. Here is the CDC’s statement:
How can providers obtain vaccine?
State/Local public health departments will be responsible for directing the flow of vaccine to providers within every state. They will determine which providers will receive vaccine, and will allocate vaccine among providers as it becomes available to them. Public health departments are in the process of ascertaining which providers are interested in administering vaccine. For more information go to your state’s public health department website or to the CDC 2009 H1N1 website ( for information on how to become a 2009 H1N1 vaccine provider. Participating providers will sign a Provider Agreement assuring they intend to meet state requirements.
State Epidemiologist Megan Davies, MD, with the NC Department of Public Health informed NCMS this week that local health departments are sending letters to physicians in their respective counties to explain the vaccine distribution plan. Physicians may sign a letter agreeing to receive a minimal amount of the vaccine (100 doses) once North Carolina receives its allocation from the federal stockpile, with initial shipments expected late this month or in early October. If you have questions, please contact your local public health department.
The complete CDC FAQ is available at:
The CDC and NC Division of Public Health have been encouraging clinics and hospitals to develop response plans to the H1N1 virus. This week Moses Cone Health System in Greensboro announced it would restrict visitors younger than age 18 from entering its hospitals during flu season as part of its effort to keep influenza away from patients.
If your clinic has adopted a response plan for H1N1, we encourage you to share it by posting it on the Doctor to Doctor blog. Just click the comment button.