Deadlines are fast approaching for the Harris Award Nominations, House of Delegate Resolutions, Room Reservations and Early Bird Registration for the NCMS Annual Meeting, Oct. 22-24, and the 2010 Photo Contest.
...Enter the 2010 Photo Contest! Great new prize added: the winner gets a choice of free NCMS membership for 2011 or an iPod Touch. Send your high-res images by to [email protected]. – deadline Sept. 1
…Click here to submit your Resolution for the 2010 House of Delegates – deadline Sept. 8
…Click here for the NCMS Annual Meeting Early Bird Registration (to be eligible for a drawing for a GPS) – deadline Sept. 15
…Click here to nominate an outstanding physician for the 2010 Harris Award – deadline Sept. 20
…Make your Hotel reservations for the NCMS Annual Meeting – deadline Sept. 21