DMA Reviewing Medicaid Recredentialing Compliance

From the North Carolina Division of Medical Assistance (DMA)

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services requires that all Medicaid providers are recredentialed, and the DMA is reviewing the status of enrolled providers to ensure compliance with that requirement. It is crucial that all providers who receive a notice promptly respond and begin the recredentialing process.

All Medicaid providers are required to recredential as part of the NCDHHS Provider Administrative Participation Agreement. Recredentialing is not optional. If the recredentialing is not completed, your provider record may be subject to termination. Providers who have received a notice, but have not started the recredentialing process, should not wait for a second notice.

Providers who believe they have mistakenly received a recredentialing notice should immediately notify DMA using the contact information included in the notice. As a reminder, North Carolina session law requires that providers pay a $100 fee for Medicaid recredentialing.

Note: Recredentialing does not apply to any time-limited enrolled providers such as out-of-state (OOS) providers. OOS providers must continue to complete the enrollment process every 365 days.


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