The shift to electronic medical billing and electronic payments in the workers’ compensation system will take effect just a few weeks from today on July 1, 2014. We urge you to share this deadline with your practice managers.
The Industrial Commission has its North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Electronic Billing and Payment Companion Guide, which provides specific technical guidance to stakeholders for how these electronic transactions (and the data they contain) should be exchanged.
As part of its e-bill initiative, the Commission has also taken the bold step of officially adopting the CAQH CORE Operating Rules for electronic funds transfer and electronic remittance advice (EFT-ERA). Under these rules, which will be phased in January 1, 2015, carriers must offer a standard EFT enrollment process and make payments via EFT-ACH at the practice’s request. To our knowledge, North Carolina is the first jurisdiction to specifically incorporate these rules in the context of workers’ comp.
The North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) applauds the Industrial Commission for its commitment to streamlining the medical billing process in workers’ compensation, and for its willingness to consult with the NCMS and other industry stakeholders on this project.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact our Solution Center Coordinator, Belinda McKoy or call 919-833-3836.