ECU Brody School of Medicine Cited for Achieving “Social Mission”

An article published in the latest Annals of Internal Medicine reports that the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University ranks 7th in the nation in achieving its social mission.  The article defines “social mission” as having three components: graduating physicians who practice primary care; graduating physicians who practice in underserved areas; and graduating minority physicians. Read the free abstract.  Paul Cunningham, MD, a member of the NCMS Board of Directors, is Dean of the Brody School of Medicine.

Several newspapers ran stories about Brody’s achievement, including a front page article written by Sarah Avery with The News and Observer in Raleigh (June 15, 2010). The article examined the need for medical schools to graduate more primary-care physicians to overcome a projected shortage as health care reform expands the number of patients who are covered by insurance.



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