Volunteer for ICD-10 End-to-End Testing in April — Forms Due Jan. 9
During the week of April 26 through May 1, 2015, a second sample group of providers will have the opportunity to participate in ICD-10 end-to-end testing with Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) and the Common Electronic Data Interchange (CEDI) contractor. The goal of end-to-end testing is to demonstrate that:
- Providers and submitters are able to successfully submit claims containing ICD-10 codes to the Medicare Fee-For Service (FFS) claims systems
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) software changes made to support ICD-10 result in appropriately adjudicated claims
- Accurate remittance advices are produced
Approximately 850 volunteer submitters will be selected to participate in the April end-to-end testing. This nationwide sample will yield meaningful results, since CMS intends to select volunteers representing a broad cross-section of provider, claim, and submitter types, including claims clearinghouses that submit claims for large numbers of providers. Note: testers who are participating in the January testing are able to test again in April and July without re-applying.
Results from November ICD-10 Acknowledgement Testing Week
CMS conducted another successful acknowledgement testing week last month. More than 500 large and small physician practices, suppliers, billing companies, and clearinghouses participated in the testing week last month. Acceptance rates improved throughout the week with Friday’s acceptance rate for test claims at 87 percent. Nationally, CMS accepted 76 percent of total test claims. Testing did not identify any issues with the Medicare FFS claims systems. This testing week allowed an opportunity for testers and CMS alike to learn valuable lessons about ICD-10 claims processing.
Mark your calendar for upcoming acknowledgement testing weeks on March 2-6, 2015 and June 1-5, 2015. In addition to the special testing weeks, providers are welcome to submit acknowledgement test claims anytime up to the October 1, 2015 implementation date. Contact your Medicare Administrative Contractor for more information.
NCTracks ICD-10 Trading Partner-Provider Testing
In the spring of 2015, NC Tracks will begin working with select Trading Partners and Providers in testing ICD-10 with NCTracks. Trading partners or providers interested in participating in ICD-10 testing should email [email protected]. Trading partners and providers will be selected to participate in testing that represent a broad cross-section of provider types. The State expects to complete the selection of trading partners and providers and notify them by mid-February 2015. Selected participants will receive an orientation and instructions regarding the testing.