In the News This Week…

As Number of Medicaid Patients Goes Up, Their Benefits Are About to Drop, 6-15-11, The New York Times

Writer Robert Pear examines the impact expected when extra federal financing for Medicaid runs out at the end of the month. 

Medicare Saves Money, 6-12-11, The New York Times  (This op-ed also appeared in The News & Observer on 6-14-11)

New York Times columnist Paul Kruger takes issue with a recent proposal to raise the eligibility age for Medicare from 65 to 67. 

WakeMed to UNC: Let’s deal, 6-17-11, The News and Observer

Writer Alan M. Wolf reports that WakeMed is urging UNC to start talks on WakeMed’s offer to buy rival Rex Healthcare in Raleigh. 

F.D.A. Unveils New Rules About Sunscreen Claims, 6-14-11, The New York Times

Writer Gardiner Harris reports on new federal rules that require sunscreen products to protect equally against UVB and UVA rays in order to claim to offer “broad spectrum” protection. 

Doc’s arthritis struggle shows illness severity, 6-13-11, Yahoo News/Associated Press

Associated Press medical writer Lauren Neergaard uses a doctor’s experience to illustrate the potential severity of arthritis.

$4.3 Billion Pledged at Vaccine Fund Raiser, 6-13-11, The New York Times

Writer Donald G. McNeill, Jr. reports on an immunization initiative that seeks to immunize 250 million children by 2015.

Social Media Join Toolkit for Hunters of Disease, 6-13-11, The New York Times

Writer Bronwyn Garrity looks at how epidemiologists are employing social media to pinpoint the sources of disease outbreaks.


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