Veto was a win for Christopher, 7-5-11, Charlotte Observer
Columnist Karen Garloch’s treatment of the governor’s veto focuses on the opposition by the Charlotte-based NC Coalition for Patient Safety.
Study: Medicaid does make a difference after all, 7-7-11, The News and Observer/Associated Press
Associated Press writer Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar reports on a new study that finds Medicaid does help low-income uninsured Americans.
Administration Offers Health Care Cuts as Part of Budget Negotiations, 7-5-11, The New York Times
Writer Robert Pear reports on a proposal by the Obama administration to cut tens of billions of dollars from Medicare and Medicare as part of the negotiation to reduce the federal budget deficit.
Extremely Expensive Cancer Drugs, 7-6-11, The New York Times
An editorial about whether public and private insurance should continue to pay the high cost of certain cancer drugs that provide limited medical benefits.
A quieter kind of health care, 7-5-11, The News and Observer
Staff writer Deia De Brito examines changes hospitals are making to reduce noise and promote rest and sleep.
In the `Stroke Belt,’ Erosion of Memory Is More Likely Too, 7-4-11, The New York Times
Writer Pam Belluck looks at a national study that found that participants in eight stroke-belt states were more likely to show signs of cognitive decline after four years, compared to participants in other states.
Iraq physicians lead in healing, 7-5-11, The News and Observer
Commentary by NCMS member Randall W. Williams, MD, an ob/gyn who practices in Raleigh and has made eight trips to Iraq.
In Eyes, a Clock Calibrated by Wavelengths of Light, 7-4-11, The New York Times
Writer Laura Beil reports on a study about the impact blue wavelength light and its impact on our internal clock.