Medicaid medical homes saved $1billion in North Carolina, 1-12-12, American Medical News
Staff Writer Doug Trapp reports on how North Carolina’s Medicaid medical home program has saved nearly $1 billion in state and federal spending over four years. The article includes quotes from NCMS President Robert W. Monteiro, MD, and Community Care of North Carolina President and NCMS member L. Allen Dobson, Jr., MD.
Efficiency a key factor in top practices: MGMA-ACMPE, 1-25-12, Modern Physician
Writer Andis Robeznieks looks at a new report from MGMA-ACMPE (formerly Medical Group Management Association) on what distinguishes better-performing practices.
Florida bill would make doctors, health centers post prices, 1-24-12, South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Writer Bob LaMendola reports on a bill being considered by Florida legislators that would force doctors and some medical centers to post prices in their waiting areas.
Lawmakers hear Rex Hospital complaints, 1-24-12, The News and Observer
Staff Writer Mandy Locke reports on a legislative committee looking into whether the state should own Raleigh’s Rex Hospital.
Titan project would cost millions in health care, report says, 1-24-12, Wilmington Star-News
Writer Kate Elizabeth Queram reports on a study of a proposed cement plant project and its potential impact on health care costs in the Wilmington area.
What We Give Up for Health Care, 1-21-12, The New York Times
An op-ed by Ezekiel J. Emanuel, MD, oncologist and former White House Advisor and a vice provost and professor at the University of Pennsylvania, on why liberals are wrong to ignore costs when it comes to health care reform.
Infection control training mandated at assisted living centers, 1-24-12, The News and Observer
Staff Writer Thomas Goldsmith looks at a new law requiring specific infection control training for assisted living staff members.