In the News This Week…

North Carolina physicians oppose preauthorization for echocardiograms, 3-14-12, amednews

Staff writer Emily Berry reports that North Carolina physicians and multiple organized medical groups, including the NCMS, have asked the state’s Blues plan to reverse course and eliminate a new administrative approval process for physicians ordering echocardiograms.

HHS releases health insurance exchange final rule, 3-12-12, Government Health IT

Writer Mary Mosquera reports on the release of the Health and Human Services Department’s final rule, which encompasses the exchange related to eligibility, enrollment and health plan participation and management.

Statewide Initiative Aims to Curb Epidemic of Painkiller Overuse, 3-14-12, PRWeb

Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC) distributed a press release showcasing their new community-based “Chronic Pain Initiative.”

Healthcare employment continues climbing, 3-9-12, Healthcare Finance

Associate Editor Stephanie Bouchard reports that healthcare and social assistance employment continues to rise gaining 61,000 jobs, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Legal risks of going paperless, 3-5-12, amednews

Writer Alicia Gallegos reports how electronic medical records can often impact the course of a medical liability lawsuit.

Doctor shortage hitting the East, 3-12-12, WNCT

Reporter Andrea Blanford reports that there is an increased primary care physician shortage in eastern North Carolina.

Mission Hospital and TeleHealth Services launch interactive patient education system, 3-15-12, Healthcare IT News

TeleHealth Services distributed a press release announcing their partnership with Mission Hospital to implement TeleHealth’s TIGR® Advanced Platform (AP) interactive patient education system.

TREAT Act would speed up drug approval process, 3-15-12, The News and Observer/ McClatchy Newspapers

Writer Franco Ordoñez reports on the review and approval process of the TREAT Act.

NC personal care services for thousands may end, 3-13-12, The News and Observer/ Associated Press

Reporter Gary Robertson reports that thousands of North Carolina residents mostly living in North Carolina adult care homes could lose Medicaid personal assistance services this spring.

Doctors with electronic systems order more imaging tests, 3-15-12, The News and Observer/ The Baltimore Sun

Reporter Meredith Cohn provides findings from an electronic health records study, which finds that doctors who have access to computer test results order more tests than doctors who don’t.

Duke study: Helping obese people keep the weight off, 3-14-12, The News and Observer

Writer Carole Tanzer Miller reports on the findings of a Duke University-led study that identified three factors that could help patients lose weight and keep it off.  

Doctors Believe Using Health Apps Will Cut Down on Visits, 3-12-12, Mashable Tech

Writer Samantha Murphy provides infographic findings that doctors believe using apps that keep track of a patient’s health will help cut down on doctor visits.


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