The Innovation HealthJam will be held online, June 17-19. Topics will include the ‘physician of the future,’ telehealth, remote patient monitoring and personalized care. This free event is open to health care providers, health technology companies, universities, government agencies, patient advocates, trade associations and passionate stakeholders. During the three-day, online event you will have the opportunity to converse and work with American Medical Association speakers while participating in the “Your Physician of the Future” forum. The forum’s topics and participants include:
- Forging clinical-community linkages to prevent chronic disease with Karen Kmetik, PhD, Group Vice President, Health Outcomes
- Shaping the physician of the future with Susan Skochelak, MD, MPH Group Vice President, Medical Education
- Innovating the care experience with Michael Tutty, PhD, Vice President, Physician Practice Sustainability
Register for this free event here.
For those practices still struggling with NCTracks, the system’s contractor, CSC, will hold several classes to help with prior approval and submitting a professional claim.
Prior Approval Medical (Professional) Tuesday, June 17 9:30-11:30 a.m. (CSC facility at 2610 Wycliff Road, Suite 102, Raleigh)
This is Prior Approval submission training for Medical (Professional) providers. This course shows authorized users how to electronically submit and inquire about prior approvals for different kinds of medical services and drugs as well as how to submit Managed Care Referrals and inquire about Managed Care Referrals and Overrides. This course includes hands-on training.
Submitting a Professional Claim Tuesday, June 17 1-2:30 p.m. (CSC facility in Raleigh)
This course will focus on how to submit a Professional Claim. At the end of training, providers will be able to enter a Professional claim, save a Draft claim, use the Claims Draft Search tool, submit a claim, and view the results of a claim submission. This course includes hands-on training.
Providers can register for the courses in SkillPort, the NCTracks Learning Management System. Logon to the secure NCTracks Provider Portal and click Provider Training to access SkillPort. Open the folder labeled Provider Computer-Based Training (CBT) and Instructor Led Training (ILT). The courses can be found in the sub-folders labeled ILTs: On-site and ILTs: Remote via WebEx, depending on the format of the course. (Refer to the Provider Training page of the public Provider Portal for specific instructions on how to use SkillPort.)
Fifth National Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Summit, June 18-20 Live via Webcast
The Summit will feature national leaders in the ACO movement who will identify actionable next steps in supporting the growth and sustainability of ACOs across the country.
The Northwest Area Health Education Center (AHEC) of Wake Forest School of Medicine would like to extend a special invitation to you to participate in a live webcast of the National Accountable Care Organization Summit (being held in Washington, DC). Through special grant funding, we will provide a local webcast of the entire 3-day summit (plenary and breakout sessions) at the Wake Forest University BB&T Football Field Deacon Tower.
Even though this is a group webcast, we are required to provide a discounted registration fee for each participant. The grant funding will pay for your registration and meals while you are here. We encourage you to commit for the entire summit as we only have funding for 80 participants. Continuing education credits (15.5 AMA PRA Category 1) for physicians and (16.0 NASBA CPE) for accounting professionals are available via the organizing group in Washington, DC. To register for the event: For more information about the ACO Summit:
Are you inside or outside the Medical Neighborhood? Don’t get caught outside the paradigm shift of medical transformation! June 21-22 at the Ballantyne Hotel in Charlotte, come hear what national experts at NCQA, Blue Cross Blue Shield South Carolina, The Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC) and other practitioners are doing to put patients first and how NCQA’s 2014 Standards will affect members in the Neighborhood. Hear from policy makers, clinical integration experts, behavioral health, pharmacy, social services and faith-based organizations.
The Carolinas Medical Neighborhood Forum is the first event in a series to bring together leading authorities and practitioners in the field of healthcare transformation. The first day of the two-day event will consist of experts in the area of Patient-Centered Care and the Medical Neighborhood from organizations like the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), Blue Cross Blue Shield South Carolina and the Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC). Learn More.
The 10th Academic Medical Center Conference on Managing the Integrated Information Environment is scheduled for June 23-25 at The Friday Center in Chapel Hill, and features tracks on Compliance & Governance, Research & Education and Security & Privacy. Click here to view the agenda and click here to register.
Register for June 25-26 Business Associates Workshop in Chapel Hill on Understanding HIPAA Omnibus Obligations for Business Associates. The agenda features plenary sessions as well as policy and technical tracks. To register, click here. Attendees can earn CEU and CLE credits.
The 2014 Carolinas COPD Symposium will be held July 23, 2014, at the Bonnie E. Cone Center, UNC Charlotte Campus, Charlotte, NC. This symposium is jointly sponsored by Duke University School of Medicine and NC COPD Taskforce. For more information and to register, click here.
You are in luck if you couldn’t make it to the IMQ-PACE Stepping Up to Leadership conference in San Diego this spring. Selected courses from Stepping Up to Leadership are now available online at IMQ Online Education! All content is available for AMA PRA Category 1 CreditTM—take this opportunity to earn CME credit at a time and place that’s convenient for you.
Stepping Up to Leadership courses cover a variety of important skills for successfully running a medical staff, particularly issues of communication, problem-solving and improving outcomes for patients and staff. Choose from Nancy Dickey, MD’s keynote presentation, Successful Leadership: What It Really Takes, Donald David, MD on The Role of the Physician In Patient Safety, Carol Havens, MD on Using CME as an Organizational Improvement Tool, and a 2014 Legal Update by Greg Abrams, Esq. covering hot medico-legal topics. To browse the full IMQ Online Education catalog, visit
The National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Drug Abuse is offering two free, interactive, online CME activities about responsible opioid prescribing practices, and best practices for assessing, preventing, and addressing prescription opioid abuse. In these CMEs, NIDA encourages clinicians to use its NIDAMED resources which are specially designed for use in clinical practice to assess patients’ drug use and possible referral to drug treatment. Click here to learn more about the CMEs.