Upcoming ICD-10 Training Sessions for Practice Administrators: Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) across the state will be holding ICD-10 training and implementation sessions for medical practices. The sessions will assist practice administrators, managers, coders, billers, and clinical staff understand ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes and identify documentation and implementation issues that may impact a practice. The program costs $135 for early registration and $150 up to ten days before the event.
‘Cracking the Codes: Getting it Right—Immunization Coding and Payment’ webinar, offered by Sanofi Pasteur, is now available online. This complimentary webinar provides a review of correct coding for vaccination billing to ensure entitled payment. The webinar covers reporting and documentation requirements for decreased financial liability and tips for a successful vaccine business model.
East Carolina University (ECU) Brody School of Medicine is offering three new CME courses in October and November. The first, “Recent Developments in Internal Medicine,” will be held October 18-20 at the Coral Bay Club in Atlantic Beach. On October 26, ECU will hold a Geriatrics conference at the East Carolina Heart Institute in Greenville. Also at the Heart Institute, there will be a Lung Cancer Conference on November 9. Brochures and registration materials are available online along with a list of future CME conferences.
North Carolina Orthopaedic Association (NCOA) Annual Meeting will be held Friday – Sunday, October 5-7, 2012 at the Pinehurst Resort, Village of Pinehurst, NC. The meeting is a great opportunity for orthopaedists to learn new practice techniques while enjoying this renowned Sandhills resort with their families. The recipient of the Honored Surgeon Award will be announced. James Bono, MD, also will be the 2012 Presidential Speaker and will provide an update on hip and knee replacements. Attendees can receive up to 6.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits ™. Contact Nancy Lowe, NCMS Associate Director Specialty Society and Meeting Services, at 800-722-1350 or [email protected] for more information.
Womack Nuclear Medicine Conference will be held on Friday-Saturday, October 12-13, 2012 in the Weaver Auditorium at Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg. The mayor of Fayetteville will attend the opening ceremony on October 12, which will be followed by a guest luncheon. Four speakers will be presenting lectures, providing free CEU and CME opportunities for those in attendance. Registration ends Friday, October 5. To register contact 910-907-7714.
NC PATH Fall Expo will teach attendees more about the North Carolina Program to Advance Technology for Health (NC PATH), a program created to equip physicians with EHR software and support as well as connect health care communities across the state through health information exchange technologies. The expo will be held in October at three separate locations. Questions can be directed to Whitney Baker at [email protected] or 919-882-0325.
‘Alcohol Misuse and Abuse Affects Us All’ Patient Resources: ACTnowNC has launched an initiative to build awareness and communication about alcohol issues. Contact Tanya Roberts, MSW, ICPS, NC ABC Commission Contractor, at 252-665-3424 or [email protected] for these alcohol education resources. Physicians also can order free materials, such as exam room posters, fact sheets, literature for patients, and appointment reminder cards to promote alcohol abuse awareness at the above website.
Addressing Substance Abuse Prevention (ASAP) is a free educational resource that assists health care professionals in their efforts to recognize and address substance abuse. The modules focus on prevention and recognition of abuse of medications and other substances in the clinical setting. Registration is required to view the resources.
Patient Resource Regarding Bipolar Disorder: Healthline provides a comprehensive overview of bipolar disorder that may be a useful resource for physicians and their patients during the first stages of diagnosis. Healthline’s website offers user-friendly, basic information about bipolar disorder, how to find treatment, continue a daily routine, and build relationships after diagnosis. The website also provides tips for caregivers.