LIVE WEBCAST: Involving Clinicians in Payment and Delivery Reform

Please join the Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform at Brookings for the LIVE WEBCAST of “Involving Clinicians in Payment and Delivery Reform: The Role of Social Media and MOOCs Conference” on Wednesday, February 19, at the Brookings Institution. 

Health care reform generally involves three goals: better access to care, cost reduction and improving the quality and outcomes of health care. Though attempts by policymakers and payers to change the system are met with suspicion, Americans report high levels of trust in doctors and clinicians. Even though they are trusted and at the front lines, many clinicians still feel unprepared and uneducated about health economics, delivery systems and reform. On February 19, the Richard Merkin Initiative at the Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform at Brookings will kick-off innovative programs to involve clinicians at all levels to improve payment and delivery of health care. At the conference, a remarkable group of national leaders in physician training, education, policy, media and research will come together to explore how to best involve clinicians in health reform.

Brookings will also formally launch a groundbreaking partnership using massive open online courses, or MOOCs, with the Khan Academy—which has collectively delivered over 300 million lessons worldwide—and other groups, to inspire a new generation of physician leaders.

This is a signature event of The Dr. Richard Merkin Initiative on Payment Reform and Clinical Leadership (The Merkin Initiative) at the Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, which seeks to improve clinician leadership and empower providers to have an active voice in ongoing health care payment and delivery reforms.

Please see detailed agenda here.

To register for the Live Webcast, please click here. For the link to the Webcast page, please click here



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