The North Carolina Medical Society has joined with dozens of physician organizations in calling on Congress to repeal the sustainable growth rate (SGR) formula used to determine Medicare physician reimbursement. In letters to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, and to House Speaker John Boehner and Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, more than 130 physician organizations urged Congress to enact legislation this year to eliminate the SGR and “lay the groundwork for adoption of broader physician payment and delivery reforms.” Click to read Senate letter and House letter.
The NCMS also joined dozens of state medical societies and physician organizations in supporting HR 451—Healthcare Truth and Transparency Act of 2011. The “Sullivan-Scott” bill seeks to ensure that patients have accurate information about the education, training, and qualifications of individuals providing their health care services. Click here to read the letter.
The NCMS continues to work closely with the North Carolina Congressional Delegation in advocating for reforms that will promote access and allow physicians to provide the quality care their patients need. Watch for updates at