NCMS Update: May 4, 2015


Got Quality? See How You’re Doing According to CMS:

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has released the 2014 Mid-Year Quality and Resource Use Reports (MYQRURs) to physician solo practitioners and groups of physicians nationwide. The 2014 MYQRURs were made available for informational purposes only and provide interim information about performance on the six cost and three quality outcomes measures that CMS calculates from Medicare claims and are used in the calculation of the Value Modifier. The value-based modifier will be used to adjust Medicare physician payments according to the physician fee schedule. More information, about the MYQRUR can be found on the 2014 MYQRUR webpage.

The 2014 MYQRUR can be accessed on the CMS Enterprise Portal using a valid Individuals Authorized Access to the CMS Computer Services (IACS) account. More information about obtaining a MYQRUR can be found on the How to Obtain a QRUR webpage. If they have not done so already, we strongly encourage authorized representatives to sign up for a new IACS account or modify an existing account at the CMS Applications Portal.

Need help understanding the drive to quality? Go to “Quality Time with the NCMS” on our website to get information and access our resources. You must register in order to see this page.

How to apply analytics for value-based success:

Join Stephen Nuckolls, CEO of Coastal Carolina Quality Care, as he identifies the metrics that matter most to manage population health for successful clinical and financial ACO outcomes, in an engaging 45-minute webinar this Thursday, May 7, at 4 p.m., OR Tuesday, May 12, at 10 a.m.

Mr. Nuckolls’s ACO has been ranked third in overall performance and second in care coordination among ACOs in the country.

To demonstrate these key performance indicators, Mr. Nuckolls will be using ConvergX™, an analytics visualization and modeling solution developed by the Carolinas Center for Medical Excellence (CCME) in collaboration with Coastal Carolina Quality Care. Registration is free and pre-registration is required. Register at:


Pollack Tapped To Lead AHA, ModernHealthCare, 5-4-15

Physician Burnout Heavily Influenced By Leadership Behaviors, MedPageToday, 5-3-15

Untapped US Energy Source – Excess Human Fat, Improbable Research, 4-30-35



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