The Emergency Rule adopted by the Midwifery Joint Committee (MJC) last June that allowed Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs) to practice without physician supervision following an “unexpected” termination of a collaborative practice agreement, expired August 31, ending the modification it put in place on June 18. The MJC did not adopt a temporary rule to replace it.
The NCMS expressed its opposition to the emergency rule, citing the lack of legal authority for the MJC to enact rules that evade statutory requirements. With the expiration of the emergency rule, NCMS will continue to defend patient safety on other scope of practice issues as the NCMS advocacy team looks to the upcoming legislative session.
Related Bulletin articles:
Certified Nurse Midwives Emergency Rule Expires August 31 (08-10-2012)
NCMS Comments on Rule Permitting Unsupervised Nurse Midwifery (06-29-2012)
Emergency Rule: Certified Nurse Midwives Permitted to Practice Without Physician Supervision (06-15-2012)