About fifty Wilmington area physicians answered nearly 500 questions posed by callers during the WWAY-TV Health Hotline held Thursday at Independence Mall in Wilmington. The event, co-sponsored by the NCMS and the New Hanover-Pender County Medical Society, gave viewers an opportunity to talk with a physician at no charge. Hotline coordinator David Hill, MD, helped to recruit physicians who were interviewed by WWAY-TV reporter Ann McAdams about access and other health care issues. Most of the people who called indicated that they were first-time callers to the Hotline, which was begun in 1991. A large number of callers said they either lacked health care insurance or did not have a personal physician. [View a gallery of photos below.]
Greenville television station WITN will host a similar event, Doctors on Call, from 12 noon to 6:00 pm on Wednesday, April 21. Physicians interested in participating should contact Lyric Wohlgemuth at [email protected], or by calling 800-722-1350.[fpg id=”1264801243_540x645_2010-Health-Hotline.xml”]