‘Health Reform and You’ Campaign

The North Carolina Medical Society is sponsoring a television ad that will air across the state in “The Doctors,” and on cable outlets in news programs offered by CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and News Channel 14.  The ads will run through early September and seek to encourage patients to discuss their concerns about health care reform with their physicians and elected leaders.  The ad includes this website (www.ncmedsoc.org/reform). It is our belief that the patient-physician relationship is critical to a healthy healthcare system, and patients and doctors need to discuss their concerns and voice them as part of the national debate on health system reform.  The ads do not take a position, but the NCMS position on various issues involved in health system reform, including our Guiding Principles for Health System Reform, can be seen on our home page, www.ncmedsoc.org, by clicking the Health Care Reform tab.

Comments and suggestions are welcome and can be sent to us at mailto:[email protected].  Be sure to put either “TV ad” or “health care reform” in the subject line.


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