HB415 – Collateral Source Evidence Admissible / Med Mal Cases sponsored by England (D-Rutherford), Goforth (D-Buncombe), Rapp (D-Madison) cosponsored by Barnhart (R-Cabarrus), Justus (R-Henderson), Lucas (D-Cumberland) has been calendared in the House Health Committee for Tuesday, April 21, at noon. Collateral Source is most commonly referred to as double payments since a jury is currently barred from receiving information about payments already received by a plaintiff while the plaintiff attorney is allowed to lump the amounts into the total damages for which the defendant(s) are held responsible. HB415 would allow into evidence, during a civil justice/medical malpractice case, information regarding medical and other payments already received by a plaintiff related to the pending case. This bill is an incremental effort on the part of the sponsors to provide fairness within the civil justice system. NCMS supports this bill and encourages all healthcare practitioners to contact member of the House Health Committee to express their support.
MEDPAC Minute – Medical Malpractice Bill to be heard in House Health on Tuesday
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