The North Carolina Medical Society (NCMS) has submitted its plan to make North Carolina’s Medicaid program the nation’s flagship delivery model by focusing on improving quality of care while containing costs. The proposal is in response to the NC Department of Medical Assistance’s (DMA) recent request for information (RFI). DMA will review the information it has received from various healthcare organizations, and use it to help inform Gov. McCrory’s budget proposal to the legislature by April 1. Read NCMS’ proposal here.
NCMS views this proposal as the starting point for a conversation between doctors, non-physician providers, hospitals and policymakers on the best path to follow to address the needs of our state’s most vulnerable citizens. Our proposal takes a broad perspective, moving beyond this year’s budget debates to look systemically at what needs to happen now and in the future to make the Medicaid program more predictable and sustainable over time.
The central assumption of our plan is that providing consistent, quality care for Medicaid patients – some of whom have some of the most complex and chronic conditions – will ultimately stabilize the cost of the program. We build on existing infrastructure and proven models to save time and money in implementation.
Our proposition will require a significant change of mindset among all constituencies who serve patients. Change is never easy, but the health of our state and our state’s citizens depend on us engaging in this important conversation. We hope as everyone shares their unique perspective, the plan will evolve and consensus will build among all members of the healthcare community.